For the Indian Red Cross Society, Ratan Babu gave a check for some assistance to Dr.Munna Lal Bhartiya , an active member in this phase of the epidemic, which will be deposited in the Indian Red Cross Society's aid fund.
Active Member- Indian Red Cross Society
President- Bhartiya Jan Samajik Vikas Organization (Regd).
Secretary- Dr Ambedkar jayanti and Bhim Nagari Samaroh Kendriya Samiti (Regd).
Member- Amnesty International
पूर्व मंडल महासचिव- बहुजन समाज स्वाभिमान संघर्ष समिति (B.S-4)
पूर्व जिलाध्यक्ष- भ्रष्टाचार निवारक समिति
पूर्व विशेष पुलिस अधिकारी