Special on 73rd Independence Day | Meaning of freedom

      Meaning of freedom


According to the opinion of Dr. Munna Lal Bhartiya, we pay homage to the masters of the country who got our country free from the chains of British slavery. The people of our country sacrificed their lives to liberate the country and gave every citizen of the country the right to live life honorably and independently. But even today, the poor and afflicted people of our country are deprived of their right to live life honorably and independently.

The poor and the victims are treated inhumanely even after all these years of independence have passed and despite every citizen of the country having equal rights. They are exploited. Then whether it is a victim man or a woman.

 No matter how many rights may be given to women to live life honorably, but still the harassment of them is not curbed but they are treated in an inhumane manner. Inhuman acts such as rape of women, murder for dowry and forcing them to commit crimes like suicide, burning and killing are done.

Rather, women are treated inhumanely by the police. In this episode, exploitation and inhuman treatment of men is also done to a great extent. The voice and application of any victim should be conveyed to the big officers of the administration and administration and no matter how clear orders should be made, but the application has become so much dead by coming to the police station that they should get justice far away but in the police station Reports are not even written, and those orders are put into the waste basket and rendered weak.

Eventually the victim leaves tired and hopeful of getting justice and sits down at home, and no matter how big the crime is committed, he keeps wandering freely, keeping himself safe under the protection of the police. Sometimes it happens that justice is given to the victim far away and the same victims are criminalized and presented. In this way, the victims do not get justice but they do get torture.

 Equal rights have been made for every citizen of the country in the constitution, but all the rights fall to corruption. Corruptors snatch the rights of freedom from the victim and push them into the gulf of injustice instead of justice. The victims succumb to that injustice and at last their children are also denied justice.

As long as the state government and the central government of our country do not curb the corrupt, the victim will be deprived of justice and the corrupt will continue to drink the blood of the victims and the victims will die. In the minds of corrupt people, those mothers who sacrificed their lives liberated the country from slavery. Corruption in the society has accumulated its roots in such a way that the soul of the martyrs who have been martyred for the country has a direct hit on them.

It is very important to inculcate the spirit of patriotism in the younger generation to eliminate the corruption of the society. So that the younger generation of the country should understand their responsibility and duty towards the country. As long as the young generation of the country and every citizen of the country, whether poor or rich, will be awakened in it, the spirit of devotion, the feeling of living in love with each other and respect among themselves will be awakened. And there will be development.

Dr Munna Lal Bhartiya
Social Worker
Agra (Uttar Pradesh)

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