Strict punishment to the accused of rape and demand of justice for the victims.

The gangrape massacre in Hathras village of Boolgadi has shocked the entire state. Why are such incidents not stopping? Safety of women remains a challenge. Women and young girls of the country are falling prey to heinous crimes like rape and murder. How long? Manisha Balmiki 'Dalit', a victim of gang rape, daughter of village Boolgadi of Hathras, died on 29 September 2020, fighting for 15 days of life and death. The incident of rape with Manisha took place on 14 September.
Manisha was brutally assaulted and her tongue was cut, her spine was broken and the neck was fractured. Such incidents raise questions on women's security law and order and are destroying law and order and democracy. Just as most of the crimes are victims of selfish politics and corruption, in the same way this rape murder case is also falling victim to selfish politics and corruption. The conspiracy and politics that is being done by the government administration in the said murder is very indecent.
The deceased victim has been cremated by the police administration without the permission of the victim's family, it is very unjust.Media, social representatives and intellectuals are not being allowed by the police administration to meet the aggrieved family. Where is this justice.
When the government does not talk about justice, whom will the public expect justice from? Why? Jungleraj dominates the democracy system. Happening. Such incidents are shameful to humanity, not even the case of Manisha has been stopped till then, in Balrampur also recently there was an incident of gang rape and murder of a student, this student also raped and broke the waist and leg. And death has been confirmed due to intestinal rupture. Many more such innocent daughters have lost their lives and are being victimized by misdeeds, so such poor people have no right to live.
The culprits of Manisha should get such a harsh punishment which is a terrible lesson for people with such mentality. The government should pay strict attention to the safety of women and the Women's Safety Act should be strictly followed. Such increasing crimes are stigmatizing and corrupting the society, therefore, the Indian people Social Development Organization demands that Manisha's culprits be punished harshly and impartially and the victim's family should get all possible help and justice. And the victim family of Balrampur should also get proper justice and all possible help.